Invertek Drives maintains its robust global supply chain, stock and distribution during the current Covid-19 situation

Invertek Drives implemented a robust Covid-19 contingency plan in March 2020 to ensure our sales, manufacturing and distribution systems are fully operational at all times, ensuring business continuity to our customers globally.

Throughout the pandemic, we have continued to monitor and adapt our systems to ensure there is no impact on our day-to-day operations.

We are pleased that as we enter the first quarter of 2021, our proactive approach has ensured the continued security of our supply chain, stock, manufacturing and distribution systems and network globally.

How have we achieved this?

• Maintained strategic stock (several months) of components and materials for the manufacture of our complete VFD range at our global manufacturing and distribution centre
• Uninterrupted deliveries from our supply chain
• Contingency plans for any break or shortage in our supply chain
• Daily distribution to our global sales network by land and air
• Stock levels maintained globally with our sales partners

We have worked at full manufacturing capacity throughout the Covid-19 situation and continue to do so.

This strategic approach has been backed up with a rigorous approach to our health and safety procedures at our manufacturing facility and headquarters in the UK.

This includes a system to ensure no contact between personnel between each shift changeover. Our manufacturing layout means employees work at a safe distance from each other.

An enhanced level of sanitising and cleaning is also undertaken throughout the facility as well as within our innovation, technical and sales and marketing teams’ offices. Where appropriate, these teams have worked alternatively between their offices and homes to ensure biosecurity and social distancing in the workplace.

This is backed up with regular and ongoing Covid-19 testing of our employees.

Our sales and customer services teams are contactable through our normal channels, including our sales partners globally.

The distribution of goods internationally remains unaffected.

Through these ongoing and continually monitored procedures we are confident our manufacturing and distribution will continue unaffected by the current and ongoing Covid-19 situation globally.

For more media information, contact:
Owain Betts, PR, Media and Communications
t: +44 (0) 1938 558 253
m: +44 (0) 7787 437 052