Optidrives featured at ground-breaking Carbon Capture project

Invertek Drives Optidrive energy-saving variable frequency drives have been highlighted on the BBC's documentary 'Greta Thunberg - A Year to Change the World' series.

The Optidrives were seen controlling pumping systems at a ground-breaking carbon capture project at Drax, the UK's largest power station.

The Carbon Capture project has been designed by C-Capture as part of a bioenergy and carbon capture and storage (BECCS) project at the Yorkshire site.

Drax aims to be a carbon-negative company by 2030.

A pilot scheme has seen the system capture a tonne of CO2 a day from the biomass power station.

The Optidrive range of VFDs are used in a wide range of industries to create energy savings and reduce emissions through the accurate and intelligent control of electric motors and pumps.

The drives are also used in solar and other renewable energy systems worldwide.

The Optidrive VFDs can be seen on the BBC documentary series by clicking here.

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