World Environment Day

Invertek Drives joined the global community on 5 June to mark World Environment Day. This year's theme, "Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration," resonates with Invertek's commitment to developing innovative solutions that drive energy efficiency and contribute to a more sustainable future through its variable frequency drive products.

World Environment Day, established in 1972 by the United Nations, is the largest global platform for environmental public awareness and engagement. It was first held in 1973 following the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, an event that sparked international dialogue on the interconnectedness of human activity and the environment.

Since then, World Environment Day has served as an annual reminder of the urgent need to protect and restore our planet. Each year, the event is hosted by a different country and focuses on a specific environmental theme. This year the host is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Reducing and optimising energy consumption

“World Environment Day serves as a powerful reminder that our planet’s health is inextricably linked to the health of our land,” said Adrian Ellam, CEO of Invertek Drives. “At Invertek, we are committed to developing technologies that optimise energy consumption and contribute to the restoration and preservation of our natural resources. Our VFDs are a testament to this commitment, enabling industries to reduce their environmental impact while improving operational efficiency.”

VFDs play a pivotal role in reducing energy waste and associated harmful environmental emissions across various applications. By precisely controlling the speed and torque of electric motors, VFDs can achieve significant energy savings in industries such as agriculture, water management, and manufacturing.

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Minimising waste and reducing energy 

For example, in agriculture, VFDs can precisely control irrigation pumps, ensuring that crops receive the right amount of water at the right time, minimising water waste and reducing energy consumption. In water management, VFDs can optimise the operation of pumps in response to demand, saving energy and extending the lifespan of equipment.

Additionally, VFDs can be integrated with solar power systems to create intelligent pumping solutions that harness renewable energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

By ensuring that these systems operate at their most efficient levels, VFDs contribute to sustainable water management practices, which are essential for combating desertification and drought.

"Our VFDs are not only helping businesses achieve greater efficiencies and reducing energy consumption, in addition to their sustainability goals but also making a real difference in communities around the world. We believe that working together can restore our land, protect our future, and ensure a thriving planet for generations to come."

For media information, contact:
Owain Betts, PR and Communications Manager
t: +44 (0)1938 558 253
m: +44 (0)7483 072 739