Ingeteam Marine Electric Propulsion

Since its foundation in 1972, Ingelelectric has been providing complete and specific solutions for the drive systems of electric motors and industrial plant process automation for the industry sector.
At Ingeteam Marine, we offer complete integrated solutions for the marine sector. We are the company leading in the supply of turnkey electric projects, combining our electric engineering expertise with equipment supplied by companies within the group.
Our experience in the design of installations and equipment, our capacity to integrate other manufacturer’s equipment and proposal flexibility , enable us to attain the optimal solution for our customers. We are well-known in the market for providing customised solutions to meet the particular needs of each vessel.
Types of Vessel
- Multipurpose Support Vessel
- Oceanographic Research Vessel (Spanish Minstry)
- Standby vessel (Svagt)
- Fallpipe rockdumping vessel (Jan-de-Nul)
- Diving support vessel (Adams-Offshore)
- 7500m3 THSD (Jan-de-Nul)